• Tag not only the well known types like Word documents or Excel spreadsheets, but any type of file. Start tagging for instance Pdf, Epub, Avi files as well directly. Folders can be tagged as well.

    Tag files automatically

    Tag files automatically based on the name or content.

  • Linking tags to files manually is a valuable task. Linking tags to files automatically makes it all even more priceless.


    Auto Tagging allows to create group of folders in which the files are matched on their name and/or content. The matching is done by a list of words belonging to a Tag. These words can be synonyms, plural, translations, etc. .It is also possible to use regular expressions.


    The content is searched by using the Microsoft Windows IFilter Handlers. This means the content of e.g. Word files, Plain text files, PDF files can be searched for the words that are configured.


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