Convert database from version 1,2 or 3 to version 4

Convert database from version 1,2 or 3 to version 4

Due to the new database structure in version 4, the data needs to be converted.

The conversion is a special kind of export that will create a .tfx file which can be imported.

Pleas follow the steps for a succesfull conversion.

More Details

Your data will be kept!

- During uninstall the data is not deleted.
- The original data will not be deleted after conversion. A copy remains on disk.
- The .tfx file created during the conversion can be kept as (extra) backup.

- After installation of version 4.x a new database is created. This database will not contain your data yet.


1. Uninstall the previous version of Tagging for Windows.

2. Install version 4.x of Tagging for Windows.

3. After installing version 4 run the conversion program.

- The conversion will read all existing data and creates a .tfx file, just like the export function does.

- Make sure that all drives where Tag groups reside are available to read by the conversion. (Otherwise the .tfx will not contain any data of these Tag groups)

- The location of the conversion program is: 'C:\Program Files\Connect Software\Tagging for Windows\Connect.Conversion.exe'

4.  Import the resulting .tfx file with the Import program.
- The location of the import program is 'C:\Program Files\Connect Software\Tagging for Windows\Connect.Import.exe'

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